Guide: Weapon Counter Display Overlay

Took a lot of trial and error, but I think I came up with a method to make a display overlay that I can be proud of.  Thanks for the help James Hodson(jlhR2).

Click More Info for the full guide.

The overlay is meant to go on top of my ammo counters, but also looks good when used alone with a light behind it.  The overlay is made of several transparency sheets layered atop one another plus a sheet of tracing paper toact as a diffuser.  Could probably substitute tissue paper.

The image files to print out are below. You will need to re-size the images to fit your weapon before printing.  If printing at home, be sure to buy transparency sheets meant for ink-jet printing and not laser printing.Ink-jet printable transparency sheets have a rough surface to print onto.

I find my photo printers T-Shirt Transfer mode gives the best print out.  It takes some trial and error, but set the Print Quality to high for best results.

Halo Reach

Click Picture to download full size

Halo General Purpose – James Hodson (jlhR2)

Download full size here:

There will be four layers, from bottom to top there is the tracing paper,two black transparencies, and the color transparency.

The tracing paper and the black transparencies need to be cut so the numbercan shine through (xacto knife).  If not using an ammo counter circuit, youmay cut in whatever number you like.

DO NOT cut the color layer transparency.  This is what colors any light shining through to the proper hue.  It also makes photographs when unlit look amazing.

Tip: I first cut a piece of paper the size of the hole I wanted then taped it down so I could have something to trace with the knife.

Below are pictures of building up the different layers. In these photos onlya single layer of black is used.  You can see that the light gets through a bit in areas that are supposed to be black.  This is why we use two layers ofblack.

Clear tape is used to hold the layers together and keep them aligned.

Have fun~!